Historically France was the leading producer of wines and wine materials in the world. The French wine is a standard of quality, refinement and elegance of taste. Each province in France is proud of the wine building it in a cult. The thousand-year history of production of wine allowed French to accumulate reach experience that is used around the world. The French wines are classified by the following categories: AOC (Appellation d’Origine Controlee) – the most expensive wines which are controlled by origin. Before going on sale each barrel undergoes tasting. VDQS (Vin Delimite de Qualite Superieure) – the wines expecting assignment of category AOC. Requirements to this category of wines are lower, the same producers of these products adhere to the highest standards. VdP (Vin de Pays) – generally are products of small family companies from regional grapes, but can be of not a lower quality than the highest category. VdT (Vin de Table) – regular table wines in production of which can be also used the grapes from other European countries. We provide you the best wines of France – red and white, still and sparkling, dry and sweet, elite and reasonable.
For more than 20 years, we are specialized in international trade of alcoholic beverages presenting them both bottled and bulk. All products undergo strict quality control to provide the best samples to our customers, new technical solutions for expansion of the existing assortments. Every client will get the highest individual service. We will optimize the logistics (bysea, by railroad, by road, by air), payment terms, loading, insurance and packaging. We will develop individual trademarks and many other things providing a customer confidence worldwide. Ask our specialists and relax, we will resolve all issues for you.
Europe and Asia
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Phone: +375 29 643 89 59
Fax: +375 17 269 40 08
Email: info@bstspirits.com