The history of the Georgian brandy starts in the second half of the 18th century. The first samples were very far on quality from French as the production was rather handicraft, technologies weren’t observed and only in 1878 Georgian brandy won a gold medal at the international exhibition in Paris. Since that time the modern history of the Georgian brandy begins. The founder of modern traditions of the Georgian brandy is considered David Zakharyevich Saradzhishvili. In 1885 he creates a unique storage of alcohols in Tiflis, and the first Tiflissky cognac plant appeared in three years. By the beginning of the 20th century Georgian brandy won 14 gold and silver medals. Now Georgian brandy is a mix of century traditions and modern scientific research. Actually, this unique brandy deserved the right to bear the proud name “Georgian Cognac”.
For more than 20 years, we are specialized in international trade of alcoholic beverages presenting them both bottled and bulk. All products undergo strict quality control to provide the best samples to our customers, new technical solutions for expansion of the existing assortments. Every client will get the highest individual service. We will optimize the logistics (bysea, by railroad, by road, by air), payment terms, loading, insurance and packaging. We will develop individual trademarks and many other things providing a customer confidence worldwide. Ask our specialists and relax, we will resolve all issues for you.
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